Our NGOs

Under the Patronage of Hazrat Maulana Mufti-e-Azam Dr. Shah Mohammed Mukarram Ahmed

S. No.DesignationName of the NGONGO Description / Operation
1Founder PresidentMazhar-ul-Uloom Educational Charitable Trust (Regd.)This NGO has been working since 2014 for the welfare of Muslim Community and also for the betterment of every citizen of India to fulfil their educational and social needs, arranging camps etc. This NGO has already been granted 12A, 80G exemption from the Income Tax Dept.
2Founder Chief PatronJamia Islamiyah Mazhar-ul-UloomIt provides free education to the Muslim Children, boys & girls, Hafiz-e-Quran Karim, Islamic teaching and contemporary education in Delhi and in Loni (District Ghaziabad, UP), NCR Delhi.
3Founder Chief PatronMadrasa Imam Ahle Sunnat Jamiatul UloomIt has been providing full facilities to the Muslim Children, helping them in Islamic and contemporary education free of cost.
4Founder Sajjada NashinKhanqah Aliya Naqshbandiyah MujeddidiyaThis NGO has been in the process of training mystic disciples in ethical and spiritual education and empowering them in self-control, discipline and grooming them through meditation & Zikr by holding spiritual programs.
5PresidentFatehpuri Royat Hillal CommitteeThis Committee has been serving a great service for announcing sighting of new moon to decide the date of Islamic month.
6Member Executive CommitteeAll India Muslim Personal Law BoardAll India Muslim Personal Law Board has been serving Indian Muslims in their religious matters.